Debate has been one of the fastest growing extra-curricular activities for middle-school-aged students in the East Bay.
Participants in debate no longer grapple solely with the traditional controversial issues of school uniforms, gun control, and affirmative action. Instead, they address complex state, federal, and global problems currently being discussed by adults. “The U.S. should adopt a single-payer health care system.” and “Sanctuary cities do more harm than good.” were two topics by The East Bay Debate League.

The Dorris-Eaton Debate Team
Debate teams prepare to be on either the proposition or opposition side of an issue. Thirty minutes prior to facing their opponents, students are assigned the “side” they are to present. Sound stressful? Debaters don’t think so. They find the tournaments thrilling because participants must think on their feet, work as a team, and speak forcefully to prove their point. The communication, analytical, and public speaking skills gained and honed by being on a debate team produce confident teens.
Teams begin by researching the subject, using credible sources that will enable them to distill the complex issue into compelling points.
Teams begin by researching the subject, using credible sources that will enable them to distill the complex issue into compelling points. Students develop a thorough understanding of the problem and analyze available statistics so they know what data to use, how to use the facts, and when to use the numbers to their advantage. Knowledge of the United States Constitution, current or precedent-setting court cases, and local laws can all come into play during a debate. The ability to think quickly to refute the opponents’ claims is as important as the strength of one’s own argument.
Not impressed yet? Debaters must work collaboratively and be effective communicators. Each individual of the three-member team is responsible for the research. Together they evaluate and prioritize the material gathered. This requires the ability to constructively give and receive feedback, and in some cases “park your ego at the door.” Likewise, an honest assessment of each member’s speaking skills occurs when determining the speaker order.
Finally, those who participate in debate are or become excellent public speakers. Eye contact, effective gestures, voice, tone, and inflection are all taught and practiced via debate. The first two speakers on each team have 5 minutes to make their case, with possible point deductions for too few or too many seconds over the allotted time. The “closer,” or last speaker, has 4 minutes to drive the case home. Yielding the floor to the opponent who is trying to undermine your stance requires poise under pressure. Listening to the other side and punching holes in their argument without being offensive is a skill. Presence and composure are hallmarks of debaters.
If you’re having a hard time imagining adolescents in this role, sign your middle school student up for a debate class. However, be sure you’re up on your facts when your child uses the new found skills on you.