A day in the life of our preschool students.
A look at curriculum that teaches through exposure

We teach through art, music, play, and learning activities designed to foster
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The 3's Class.
"Mom thought I needed to learn how to share and I'm pretty good at it now. We play lots of games, build stuff, listen to music, and sing. But my favorite is our big play yard."
The 3’s class is about socialization. Children start understanding the meaning of sharing toys and areas of space in the classroom. They are encouraged to express their needs to help problem solve and socialize with their peers.
The curriculum offers many "messy" activities which create opportunities to use their imagination. Along with art, music, and story time, an introduction to letters and numbers are a part of each day. Children sing, learn about seasonal events, and share special experiences. The results of their efforts are as creatively different as the children themselves.
The 4's Class.
"I am proud of being able to count and recognize some letters. I learned to write my first name without tracking which surprised my mom."
Confidence building is at the heart of the 4's class, with an eye on helping children adopt a "can do" attitude. Social awareness continues to develop as the children's verbal skills become stronger.
Each week a new alphabet letter is introduced through the use of puppets, rhymes, and songs, making it easy for children to associate letters and beginning sounds. Games, activities, and crafts are also incorporated into the pre-reading curriculum--enhancing visual and auditory skills.
Daily discoveries with number concepts and science are as popular as blocks, water, paint, and sand. Add music and art and the picture is complete.
Transitional and Junior Kindergarten.
"We celebrated the 100th day of school—that's a big number, but I can count that high. My art teacher has shown me how to paint like some guy named Jackson Pollock, and she doesn't mind if I make a mess doing it."
The TK and JK programs provide an atmosphere where children increase their attention span as well as boost visual and auditory skills. As students work on the formation of letters and numbers, they also encounter the tricky skill of holding a pencil properly.
At this age, students learn that letters represent sounds and those sounds blend together to make words. As their understanding of phonics strengthens, some begin to put this concept into practical use and are able to sound out words.
Children are exposed to numbers to one hundred. Some begin to add and subtract when they are developmentally ready. They also practice working out problems in their minds—with a little help from manipulatives.
Art, Spanish, and Music.
"Each year, we learn about a handful of the great masters, from the Van Goghs and Michelangelos of the world to more modern artists. One of the highlights was having students create their own Jackson Pollock."
Dorris-Eaton Art Teacher
An amazing program incorporates a hands-on introduction to the world's great artists in a way that's approachable and incredibly fun.
Along with learning a variety of songs, students are introduced to rhythm and tone using an assortment of musical instruments.
Students learn language and culture through conversation, art, and music.